Carbon Diagnostics now available in FactSet Workstation! Learn the details.
Carbon Intelligence App user experience updates
We have published a number of changes to better align the Carbon Intelligence app with Carbon Diagnostics terminology and offering. These include:
Remove 4˚ World Option: The option to pick a 4˚ world has been deleted from the platform as we see no value in providing in-depth analysis on a "take no action" climate scenario.
Company Subnav Renamed:
Subnav under Companies has been renamed as follows: Overview | Footprint | Temperature Alignment | Liability (previously Overview | Footprint | Reductions | Exposure).
Companies Listing Page Update
Removed the “reductions” column.
Added the temperature alignment figure prominently.
Fund Subnav Renamed:
Subnav under Funds has been renamed as follows: Holdings | Footprint | Temperature Alignment | Liability | Hotspots (previously Holdings | Footprint | Reductions | Exposure | Insights).
Removed Snapshots page from Funds, redistributing relevant content to other tabs.
Removed Summary page from Funds, redisributing relevant content to other tabs.
Removed GCER:
Both company and fund level GCER has been deleted from the platform; we recommend temperature alignment and Potential Carbon Liability (PCL) as more concrete and immediately recognisable measures of a company or fund's performance on Carbon Emissions.