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How does Emmi compare to MSCI on Climate?
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Emmi provides financed emissions data and climate risk analysis across all major public and private asset classes. These support climate-related reporting, and analysis that feeds into investment management processes. We use a blend of reported emissions and proprietary machine-learning models and algorithms to do this. We translate emissions into financial implications, based on climate and pricing scenarios. This diagnostics ‘toolkit’ is backed by our team of climate and finance experts.
MSCI is most famous for its global equity indices. These indices track the performance of various equity markets and are used by investors and asset managers to benchmark and analyse investment portfolios. In recent years, MSCI has also built the capability for carbon footprinting and climate risk metrics that can be used for portfolio climate analytics tools to help investors. You can read more here.
MSCI Climate and Net-Zero
What sets Emmi apart
All of the major financial data providers like MSCI have reasonable coverage of climate data & analytics for public markets ranging from 10,000-16,000 companies. This is good enough for medium-large cap holdings with major indices like the S&P500 or MSCIWorld.
At Emmi, we have coverage of over 45,000 public companies using a blend of reported emissions and our award-winning data models. If you are investor looking for coverage beyond the major indices, Emmi can help.
For Public Fixed Income, Emmi provides data on over 400,000 securities, across corporate and sovereigns.
For the major financial data providers like MSCI you are limited in coverage to their static databases for fixed income, private equity, infrastructure and property. With tens of millions of holdings across private equity and infrastructure alone, coverage from these major providers is limited in private markets.
At Emmi, we use award-winning ML models that give us unlimited coverage to produce unique customer data points within private fixed income, private equity, infrastructure and property. For a typical Asset Owner, Emmi provides far greater coverage than static data providers like MSCI, particularly in private asset classes.
Private Markets:
Equity and Fixed Income, Property & InfrastructurePublic Markets:
Equity and Fixed IncomeMSCI offer IPCC and NGFS climate scenarios for the data they cover. Since their VaR methodology builds additional assumptions in on top of the scenarios, tailoring analysis to a different house-view is not possible with MSCI data.
Emmi has integrated 10 scenarios for the data we cover. They include 3 IPCC + 6 NGFS + 1 PRI. Emmi's objective approach to scenario analysis means if you have a specific house view on the sector budgets or carbon prices used for climate scenario testing, our model infrastructure has complete flexibility to run additional custom analysis.
All of the major financial data providers like MSCI have built successful businesses in traditional data and metric universe subscriptions for markets. ESG and Climate have become one of the areas where you can add to their existing financial data packages.
Emmi was built from the ground up by climate and financial experts for investors, as we believe specialist data and analytics is needed to properly understand and manage the biggest financial risk currently not priced across markets.
Emmi provides full service coverage across all major asset classes since our business model is to create and provide unique climate data for the customer - using models that align with the customers investment philosophy.
MSCI has an annual data subscription model, where you match your portfolio to an already existing static but growing data-set. If a holding doesn’t match, it is likely not covered. For public equities, that’s ok - but for Private Equity and Debt, Infrastructure and other asset classes, using static data providers doesn’t give you the flexibility and unique-to-customer analytics needed.
Coverage and Analytics


*As of November 2023, MSCI capabilities shown are taken from their website brochure here.

Emmi is working in close partnership with FactSet to natively integration Emmi data within FactSet. Emmi can be purchased directly via FactSet, with setup, contracting and account support all owned by FactSet.
Our close relationship with FactSet makes our data easy to access and work with, and more deeply integrated into the standard workstation experience. There is no price-premium to adopting Emmi via FactSet.
Emmi FactSet integration
MSCI has a FactSet integration that will deliver MSCI data into the FactSet platform. Contracts are negotiated with MSCI, setup requires configuration by both MSCI and FactSet, and account support is provided via MSCI.
The FactSet integration makes MSCI data accessible in tools like Portfolio Analyzer, and in MSCI UI "panels" within FactSet Workstation.